The Chagatai Khanate: what became of the Mongols’ most obscure state?
The rise and fall of the Golden Horde, the Mongol state that was founded in Eastern Europe, is understandably well known in our country. We also know the fate of…
The rise and fall of the Golden Horde, the Mongol state that was founded in Eastern Europe, is understandably well known in our country. We also know the fate of…
In the beginning of spring 1242 Batu Khan stops fighting and leaves frightened and confused Europe. This in many respects has generated in historiography the most various versions, including very…
The next stage of formation of the Uzbek state under Sheibanid rule after the death of Muhammad Sheibani (and his companions Mahmud and Suyunchkhodzhy) is associated with the personalities of…
At the end of 1221, Subedei won a bloody decisive battle against the army of the Georgian king. The plans of the campaign of 2 tumen (20 000) Dzhebe and…
It is known that ancient China is the birthplace of inventions that had a significant push in the development of human civilization. Among these inventions, a special place is occupied…
On the eve of the Mongol strike, the North Caucasus was a place of survival for warlike tribes. The most important was the Alanian kingdom. The last shard of the…
The battle of Kolomna is considered one of the largest battles of the Great Western campaign of the Mongol Empire. The campaign lasted six years - from 1236 to 1242…
The Hungarians, also called Magyars, were the only representatives of the Finno-Ugrians who moved from the forest zone to the steppe zone. It is supposed that the reason for such…
It seemed that by the XVII century the Mongols were no longer a significant figure on the political map of the world: they were fragmented, deprived of necessary natural resources,…
Many battles with the Kipchak cavalry ended in European defeats. For the first time nomads began to defeat civilization. Why? An unknown enemy When midnight came, Khan Bonyak rode alone…