Crimean Khanate — historical background
In the Middle Ages on the territory of the Crimean peninsula and the adjacent steppe lands to the north there was a powerful and highly developed culture state, which was…
In the Middle Ages on the territory of the Crimean peninsula and the adjacent steppe lands to the north there was a powerful and highly developed culture state, which was…
Central Asia, with its warm climate, abundance of steppe pastures and fertile lands in the river valleys where Khorezm was located, has been the cradle of more than one rich…
In the second half of the VI century in the vast steppes of Central Asia as a result of wars from ancient times inhabited where the Turks came from and…
When Genghis Khan's grandsons Ordu and Batu (Batu), fulfilling the will of the founder of the Mongol Empire, conquered in the 30s-40s huge territories in Eastern Europe and Western Asia,…
The Mongol Empire (Khamag Mongol ulus), having arisen in the XIII century as a result of conquest campaigns such as the Mongol-Tatar invasion of the Caucasus by Tamuchen (Genghis Khan)…
As is known, the geographical name "Dasht-i Kypchak" is understood in Old Russian chronicles as the "Cumans' steppe" or, according to Russian sources, as the Kyrgyz steppes from the Urals…
Today in a number of countries of Central Asia there is a boom on Genghis Khan. The question of kinship with the legendary conqueror causes heated disputes in the Internet.…
The history of the Central Asian region in the XIII-XVIII centuries is directly connected with the emergence and development of the Mongol Empire, which finally took shape by 1260. In…
In many people's understanding, a nomad is a herdsman who roams freely on the steppe, following his herds. Knowing neither the purpose nor the direction, he moves all his life,…
Much is written about the historiosophic significance of the nomads of the Eurasian steppe. About nomadic empires - the predecessors of Russia. What role did the representatives of nomadic civilization…