Origin of the Nyman people
The Kazakhs trace their ancestry … from the people of the Turks. … The Turks are known by many names, but we are from the Uigur branch. Shakarim Kudaiberdy-uly. Genealogy…
The Kazakhs trace their ancestry … from the people of the Turks. … The Turks are known by many names, but we are from the Uigur branch. Shakarim Kudaiberdy-uly. Genealogy…
On the outskirts of the Assyrian city of Haleb, where the route of the Great Silk Road passes, a lonely, poorly dressed, elderly man stood timidly, leaning on his staff.…
The Kipchaks (Kipchaks, in Old Russian chronicles - Polovtsians, in European sources - Kumans) were a Turkic-speaking people, mainly engaged in nomadic cattle breeding and crafts. The ancestors of the…
In the XII century the territory of the Mongolian steppes was inhabited by a number of tribes - Hamag-Mongols (indigenous Mongols), Tatars, Merkits, Oirats, Kereits, Naimans. To begin with, we…
The Oirats constituted the left wing tumen (zun gar) of the Mongol army. In the middle of the XVII century nomadic Mongolian-speaking tribes of Oirats (Dzungars), in response to the…
In 1680 Galdan Boshogtu Khan annexed East Turkestan to Dzungaria. At the beginning of the XVII century in the territory between Sayano-Altai and Tien Shan, the Dzungar Khanate emerged, which…
Sarai-Batu - the capital of the Golden Horde, was located in the Astrakhan region, near the modern village of Selitrennoye (photo from open sources). After the death of Juchi in…
A stone sculpture of the Early Turkic period, 1300 years old, was found about 250 km from Turkestan in southern Kazakhstan (photo: AA) There is still no consensus among scientists…
Since 1206, when the general Mongol hural on the bank of the river Onon proclaimed Temujin Genghis Khan, the lord of the world, and began the era of Mongol conquests,…
The first credible Mongol invasion of Tibet took place in 1240. . 30-thousand corps of Ugedei's son Godan under the command of Leje and Dorda-darkhan entered Central Tibet and reached…