Islamization of the nomads of Desht-i Kipchak
This section of the paper is based on rather traditional oriental texts, which, however, we interpreted in the context of new source studies. Recent attempts (Yudin, De Weese) to use…
This section of the paper is based on rather traditional oriental texts, which, however, we interpreted in the context of new source studies. Recent attempts (Yudin, De Weese) to use…
G.E. Grumm-Grzhimailo and, following him, L.P. Potapov compared the name of the Kivinskaya volost (KibaKobKoby, as we found out, an ethnonym, which is an intra-Ket dialectal variant of the ethnonym…
More than nine hundred years ago, in 1118, two hundred thousand steppe Kipchaks, which is approximately forty thousand families, arrived in the lands of modern Georgia, having crossed the impregnable…
The Kipchaks began to penetrate into the Northern Black Sea coast in the middle of the IX century, but as an ethnos they appeared much earlier and were of Turkic…
And lastly to the topic about some mythical "red-haired peoples" we repeat the conclusion that the myth is a theory about some Indo-European peoples in the depths of Asia, in…
In search of the Sary-Kypchak family in the west of the Great Steppe. The Don Cossacks and their Turkic origins is a seemingly obvious topic. This theme has been investigated…
"Kipchaks" did not possess any special racial-anthropological differences from other Kipchaks. The sixth part. See the previous one here In the previous publications we have seen that the Kipchaks of…
Yellow is considered the color of Asia and an entire race. And it did not happen for nothing. For this there were not only golden banners, but also its preconditions.…
On the basis of the mere fact that Russian chronicles called the Kypchaks Polovtsians, an entire branch of mythology was formed. The previous article "Polovtsian portrait" was devoted to the…
Who are the Kipchaks and why were they called so? The term "Polovtsians" and the corresponding historical designation of the Kipchak people, who inhabited the lands from the Volga to…