Сб. Мар 1st, 2025
Mass circumcision of Georgians/Armenians/Parsis by Jalaladin's TurksJPEGmini

In general, I was shocked to read this description, but you can’t take words out of a song (in this case, the chronicle of the Armenian historian Kirakos Gandzaketsi (c. 1200-1271) called «The History of Armenia»).

Of course, I know about numerous cases of forced conversions, but to forcefully perform mass circumcision — this is the first time I have encountered this.

You don’t have to attribute anything to me.

I’m just passing on what I’ve found.

Jalaladin flees from Genghis Khan and his army after the battle on the Indus, throwing himself into the water on a horse that ferried him to the other bank. Detail of a painting dated 1596-1600 by Dharm Das and Banwari Khurd from the British Museum in London, inv. no. 1980,0512,0.9. URL: https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/W_1980-0512-0-9

According to Kirakos Gandzaketsi (Chapter XVIII), the Turkic sultan of Khorezm, defeated by Genghis Khan (1207-1227) and expelled from his country — more precisely, the last Khorezmshah of the Anushtegenid dynasty (1221-1231) — Jalal al-Duniya wa-d-Din Abu-l-Muzaffar Manguberdi ibn Muhammad or Jalaladin for short, in 1225. He fled from the Mongols to the region of Aghvank or Caucasian Albania and here he attacked and captured the city of Persian Zoroastrians Ganji or Gandzak. Then with a huge army of Persians, Muslims and Turks he attacked the Armenian possessions of the Georgian kingdom and defeated the Armenian-Georgian army.

Georgian kingdom and its vassal possessions by 1225. Wikipedia.

Having picked off the dead, Jalaladin’s warriors ravaged many Armenian cities, marched on Tiflis (Tbilisi) and took it. Having slaughtered many townspeople, they forced even more to renounce Orthodoxy and embrace Islam. Everywhere the conquerors broke crosses and destroyed churches.

The Sultan issued a decree on forced circumcision not only of men of Tiflis, but also of Gandzak, Nakhichevan and other places — i.e. both in Eastern Georgia and Armenia — both Georgians, Armenians and Zoroastrians. Women were subjected to violence.

And so two in the squares would forcibly grab people by the hands, and the third would take out a sword and cut off the skin of a man’s penis.They copulated with women and vilely defiled them.

Then Jalaladin’s army invaded the Armenian regions of the Rumian Sultanate of Turks and devastated many of them, but was defeated by the combined forces of the local rulers — the Rumian Sultan Ala ad-Din Key-Kubad, the Egyptian Sultan Malik al-Kamil, the king of the Christians of Cilician Armenia Hetum I and even the Crusader states of the Eastern Mediterranean — and returned back to the country of Aghvank. Here it was attacked by the Mongols of the great Khan Ugedei (1229-1241) who caught up with Jalaladin and chased him all the way to Amid (- now Diyarbakir in Turkey) and defeated him once again. In this battle or while fleeing after it he was killed. (Chapter XX)

And so evil was destroyed by evil.

Portrait of the great Khan Ugedei in an album of the Mongolian Yuan dynasty. National Palace Museum, Taipei, 中-畫-000324-00002. Wikipedia.

От Screex

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