Uzbek (Ozbek) Khan (1312/13-1341/42) — ruler of the Golden Horde
Uzbek (Ozbek) Khan (1312/13-1341/42) — ruler of the Golden Horde. Under Uzbek Khan Islam was...
Uzbek (Ozbek) Khan (1312/13-1341/42) — ruler of the Golden Horde. Under Uzbek Khan Islam was...
Ibn al-Asir, a contemporary of the Mongol conquests, in his account of the first clash...
The history of mankind is a multifaceted and curious phenomenon. Everyone knows the circumstances of...
The time and circumstances in which the term «Desht-i-Kypchak» appeared, which we have replaced with...
In the IX century, the Kyrgyz, one of the numerous Turkic tribes of Central Asia,...
As it is known, the Turkic world is divided into two main ethno-linguistic communities —...
Relations with other peoples were, to put it mildly, unstable Yaroslav Pilipchuk continues his series...
The tribes of the Scythians were considered one of the most powerful forces in the...
The fate of the younger brother of Batyi Khan has always attracted the attention of...
Everyone knows the saying «From dirt to princes». However, in history, such rises did not...