Вт. Мар 4th, 2025
Kipchaks - the lost past: red Asia is Eurasia

Yellow is considered the color of Asia and an entire race. And it did not happen for nothing. For this there were not only golden banners, but also its preconditions.

Yellow or, simply put, red hair color in Asia does not scare anyone. Red hair has always been here, but not in such «commodity quantities» as it was seen by Europeans frightened by invasions and as it was passed on from them to Russian historiography. So, about red-haired Europeans….

Redheaded Europe

For Europeans, redheadedness has become a kind of marker of «strangers». And «aliens» so much so that they fought with redheads at the level of the Church Inquisition. They fought, so to speak, with «heretics», and simply destroyed in their ranks the descendants of the Celts, who secretly still retained their ancient cults, and foreign Asiaticity, which they got since the time of Charlemagne.

Europeans inherited the deep fears and complexes of their subconsciousness in relation to the Asian Türks (Huns, Bulgars, Avars, Hungarians, Kipchaks, Mongol-Tartars) who came to Europe. By religious dislike of chroniclers and inquisition Europeans took out their deep fear of invasions of Asian nomads. And the deepest (later sometimes inexplicable) fear of their subconscious was fed by the horror of the image of the red-haired «Scourge of God» with his sword of war and fires.

But it is also possible that the «fathers of Christian Europe» took out another of their more ancient dislikes against the Celtic peoples and against redheads.

Regarding the latter there is a version that some subconscious fear got to people still from prehistoric horrors of struggle of our ancestors with red-haired Neanderthals. Some deep psychological heritage of modern people, perhaps, is that subconsciousness, which stores the horrors of battles in cramped caves, and the outcome of who ate whom. However, Neanderthals — not our topic.

The Celts, on the other hand, have been mercilessly exterminated since Caesar’s time. But even after the genocides of Rome quite a lot of evil fate got to their descendants. You can look at the map of Europe, where they are simply no longer on the continent. Only northern islands were left to them, and there only on outskirts and red-haired Irish and Scots survived. Their ancient ancestors ruled Europe, but were destroyed or left the continent. But even on their last islands they were caught up by European settlers. By the Germanic Anglo-Saxons, the Celts were declared pagans and, to put it bluntly, exterminated. Only on the very last shreds of their dominions did some part of them survive, which still remained more or less shaten.

Here we will allow ourselves the broad assumption that the Celts occupied Europe and part of inner Eurasia long before the Greeks, Romans, Germans, Turks and Slavs. To the topic of the Celts in Asia we will address sometime, and a little later we will return to the red-haired Asians. After all something united these supposed redheads…..

So, our thesis is that neither now, nor in antiquity never existed total and exclusively red-haired peoples. The only thing is that there is a certain a priori belief that such red-haired peoples are considered to be the descendants of the Celts or Picts — the Irish and the Scots, at least those of them who should look like Sean Connery. However, the Scottish patriot Connery is a reference brunette. That is, to match the myth Sean will have to be recolored red!

So, the common people’s opinion about the redheadedness of the Celts — also a myth. Moreover, this myth is refuted statistically by the fact that shatenami are only 1-2 percent of Europeans. And even among the Celts, only 10 percent of the Irish and 13 percent of the Scots are redheads. And they are kind of set apart from the rest of Europeans in terms of hair color. Only 12 percent of fair-haired Germans, Belarusians and Udmurts can be brought closer to them. And that’s it. There are no red-haired Polovtsians-Türks.

That is, on the subject of our research it is somehow improbable to assume that the Türks, and if we talk by name about the peoples, it is the Kipchaks can be more red-haired than the Celts, Germans, Slavs, Udmurts. And besides Kipchaks are obviously distant from them all. So distant that the above-mentioned peoples, including the Slavs in their chronicles, could not call the Kipchaks more red-haired than they themselves.

Yellow Eurasia from Tarim to Ireland

In connection with some supposed redheadedness of the Asian people of the Kipchaks, let us try to look for «fair-haired» Europeanness among other Asian peoples. Our attention is immediately drawn to the Caucasoid Iranian and Hindustani peoples. For some reason nobody suspected the very European blondness in them. But they are the so-called «southern Caucasoids» of Asia, moreover, they were included in the Indo-European community! But even at a superficial ethnographic look among them shatenes are less than in Turanian peoples of central Asia. That is, Caucasoidity is not connected with light hair and light eyes. Here purely empirically it is possible to assume, that the greater percentage of shatenes is presented at Turks, rather than, than at South Asians.

Red-haired people have long constituted a certain (though not absolute) percentage in various Asian populations. I will allow here my own «poetic» quotation from an article of my «romantic period» of understanding the history of Asia: «The red-haired people of Tarim were natives of Turan, Caucasoids, but not Europeans. Turans had their own understanding of genealogical origin and clan color, not without reason, their tribes proudly carried the prefix «Sary» — Red, Golden, Sunny, as well as «Usuns with red beards», as well as Kazakh clans Sary-Uysuns and others: both ancient and subsequent generations. They were called red-bearded Saks, also their king Arshak was called «Red-bearded Sak». Red-bearded was also the great king of Huns Attila. Sun-headed people of Turan continued «light-haired» ancient Turks, «light-haired» Polovtsians, «light-haired with reddish hair» green-eyed Chingizid-Borjigin and «yellow-headed» Horde Tatars. All these anthropological signs are recorded in Chinese, Arab-Iranian and European chronicles as Turanian signs, but their possessors were undoubtedly Asiatic Türks.» Quoted from the book «The Altai Star. National idea of Turan», vol.2, p.164, chapter 5 «Altai face», article 5-7 «Black and yellow gamma of Turan», 2011 edition.

One of the most interesting archaeological discoveries in the history of Central Asia turned out to be the Tarim mummies. The question is as interesting as it is confusing. The mummified people turned out to be red-haired, which, together with the supposed reconstruction of their skulls, allowed them to be identified as Caucasoids, but not Europeans. Why not European?! Because the «reasonable assumption of the existence of a European enclave in the heart of Asia» was not confirmed. …To the bewilderment of researchers genetic code of mummies was not purely European …. It turned out that in their code were encoded Asian genes, and not only the nearest, but also distant genetic traces, in particular, the Japanese, Indians and Tibetans» (ibid., p.163).

Where did they come from in the center of Central Asia, did they live here originally, or were they migrants? One thing is certain — they were not conquerors of the heart of Asia, for that was impossible.

«No historical source indicates the advance of European peoples into the depths of Turan. First, peoples on foot simply would not have physically reached such Asian depths. Secondly, the time was militarized, and the infantry would have fallen in the first serious clash just as the Chinese, Iranian, Roman and even Russian infantry armed with cannons lay down. And the foot march of the Scots across the Asian deserts is inconceivable, so they could not have brought their tweed to the Tarim Basin. Rather the opposite….

There was no mass and even more so invasive «movement from Europe to the depths of Asia in the ancient and medieval times. In view of this, the penetration of the European genotype into the Tarim oasis of the Turkic-Turan civilization becomes obviously doubtful. The warlike penetration of Hindustani and Japanese into the heart of Turan is also unlikely. And who from the farmers would aspire to dry steppes, on the contrary, after another feud or drought Turanians themselves migrated to the blessed Hindustan and brought their blades…. Thus, rather Turanians spread to the fertile outskirts of the continent, than the outskirts converged in the arid center of Eurasia» (ibid., p.164). To this we can only add that mobile nomads could bring their wives from all Eurasian outskirts.

Now, after time, taking into account the genetic data on the mixed Euro-Asian origin of the Tarimians, my conclusions have not changed. The Tarimians could have been a relic of the Celts or other archaic peoples who, wave after wave, populated Europe, which had been depopulated after the ice ages.

Or perhaps it was a trading post or a colony of some ancient peoples who advanced by a stream from the Middle East to Eurasia, which had already become mestizo. But their areal is determined by wheat culture, which they brought with them from the Middle East to Asia, which lived with rice and millet culture. This «wheat» area was not the largest. That is, they were not the ones who determined the fate of Asia, and they were not so numerous as to populate and create a «yellow Asia».

The blue eyes of Eurasia

At one time there was a theory that blue eyes are due to their origin by the actual consanguinity of small populations of people. These included the Scandinavians, who, being locked in their fjords, lived in small communities and, volens nolens, multiplied by consanguinity. And, as a consequence, their genetics changed and blue eyes appeared. The second example of such a phenomenon was recognized ethnos «blue Tuaregs» of the Sahara, who isolated themselves from the rest of humanity tribal ban on marriages with foreigners. As a result, they were famous for their blue eyes, and ethnographic expeditions were sent to study them. Now such a phenomenon is called a recessive gene.

And what modern genetics says about it: the original type of human eyes is brown color, caused by natural melanin. That is, this eye color was given from birth to Great Europeans as well. So, where did «blue eyes» come from? According to Danish scientists who in 2008 studied 800 blue-eyed people from Scandinavia to Turkey to Jordan, almost all of them had a genetic mutation. It presumably originated 10 thousand years ago in the Black Sea region, and spread to the above regions.

To the same time period belongs the so-called «Cheddar Man», to whom «light-colored eyes» (green or blue) are supposedly attributed. Interestingly, it is claimed that he was lactose intolerant, whereas the nomads of Asia were raised on milk. And here we remember «English tea» and immediately the question arises: who brought the dairy tolerance gene to the English in the first place.

Immediately we remember the great and small ice ages in the history of then depopulated Europe, and in this connection we realize that post-glacial Europe was populated by «Black Sea people» with their «bright eyes, Asians and Middle Eastern colonists.

Returning to the British, we must remember that in Neolithic times the most ancient Britain was inhabited by nomads — «people of bell-shaped cups» — who brought the genetics of nomadic Black Sea-Caspian ethnoses moving from Kazakhstan. They brought Eurasian genetics new to the islands, which made up 90 percent of the British gene pool. Modestly recall that, in addition to cups, the nomads brought to Britain burial mounds, buttons, copper daggers and the very technology of metalworking. Of the civilizational contribution of the nomads to Britain’s future (well, and other locales along the way as they moved across the European wastelands), London professor Mike Parker Pearson (UCL) said: «These men brought Britain out of the Stone Age.» And these people came from ancient Asia, which, by analogy with the genotype of the Tarimians, suggests the settlement of Britain by originally Eurasian-mixed peoples. And this mixing took place in deep Asia.

So, if we think in the broadest approximations, we have this picture. The ancestors of the «red-haired» Celts moved into Europe, which was depopulated after the ice ages. Perhaps they were somehow involved in the displacement of the «blue-eyed» Black Sea people into Scandinavia (the alternative is the purely autochthonous appearance of a recessive gene). Their languages we do not know reliably, otherwise show evidence from the hundredth century BC.

But after them moved reliable Turks, which have arisen in deep Asia from mixing of unconditional Central Asians and Eurasian Caucasoids of conditional Near Eastern or Indostanian type. Monuments of their languages exclude any presence of European languages in Central Asia (hello to fans of unknown Slavic-Russians, in connection with which we note that no European school actually speaks about Germanic or Anglo-Saxon languages of Huns or Huns).

Well and lastly, now the theory about certain Indo-European peoples, in the image of which the ideas about Europeans of modern Europe are mixed, who are correlated with prehistoric archaeological cultures of deep Eurasia, is widespread everywhere. So, show the studies that can substantiate on the linguistic material, that is, show evidence of the linguistic affiliation of the ancient Asian archaeological cultures of Siberia …

От Screex

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