Сб. Мар 1st, 2025
The most terrible battle with the Russians: at the storming of what city the son of Genghis Khan died

The battle of Kolomna is considered one of the largest battles of the Great Western campaign of the Mongol Empire. The campaign lasted six years — from 1236 to 1242 — and should have led to submission of the states of Eastern and Central Europe.

At the head were Genghis Khan’s son Kulkhan, grandson Batu and successful general Subedei. There were several other Chinggisids (descendants of Genghis Khan) who occupied not such high command positions. The number of troops at the beginning of the campaign historians estimate at 60 thousand people. Back in the fall of 1236 Batu, being the commander-in-chief, divided the Mongolian army into four parts. Three of them were preparing for the invasion of Russia.

The first large city, which rendered worthy resistance, was Ryazan. Mongols have managed to break Ryazan regiments and on December 21, 1237 have taken the city, having betrayed fire all constructions and having killed set of people. The few survivors retreated to the north, hoping to find refuge in wooded areas and fortified cities.

The Mongolian army moved on, until it came to Kolomna — strong and strategically important city of that time. By this time Russian troops arrived there: Vladimir regiments under the leadership of the eldest son of Grand Duke Vsevolod Yurievich, the Novgorod army, the remnants of the Ryazan regiments commanded by Prince Roman Igorevich, as well as detachments from Moscow and other cities. According to various estimates, the number of Russian regiments was from 10 to 20 thousand people.

After the battle on the river Kalka the battle near Kolomna became the second performance of the united Russian troops against the Mongols. Chronicles indicate that the battle was brutal and large-scale. «There was a great sicha», — informs the Suzdal annals. The united Russian army settled down under walls of the city under cover of stakes driven in the ground. Batuya’s army approached Kolomna from the south, from the side of the river Oka. A part of Russian armies has left from behind a palisade and has developed a fighting order on ice of Oka. Mongols have attacked on January 1, 1238.

According to the evidence of the Laurentian and Suzdal chronicles, the vanguard of the Russian army under the command of Eremey Glebovich at the appearance of the enemy did not have time to move back to the main forces and was destroyed by the attack of the enemy cavalry. Mongols gradually pushed back Russian armies, and the battle was under the very walls of the city. Chronicles have not kept the detailed description of battle. However the general picture can be restored on indirect data.

Persian historian Rashid-ad-Din, who lived in the second half of XIII century, writes that in this battle the son of Genghis Khan Kulhan was mortally wounded. Considering that Mongol commanders never entered the battle, but led from the rear, the battle was really tense, regiments were mixed up and battle orders were upset.

Р. P. Khrapachevsky in his book «The Military Power of Genghis Khan» writes: «The death of the son of Kyulkhan indicates a possible ramming attack of Russian heavy cavalry in the flank or rear of the enemy. This is the only case when a direct descendant of Genghis Khan fell in battle during a military campaign.»

This had never happened before in battles with Russian troops. Mongolian commanders always withdrew in strict order and did not allow the death of the leading staff. The fact of the death of Kyulkhan speaks of the unprecedented danger to which the Mongol forces were exposed in this battle.

The battle at Kolomna lasted almost three days. The forces of the Russian soldiers pressed against the walls were running out. Finally, the remnants of the united regiments took refuge in the city fortress, on the siege of which Batu spent another three days. When Kolomna was taken, all defenders were killed. By this time the Ryazan boyar Eupatiy Kolovrat arrived from Chernigov with a large detachment, which, according to some estimates, had up to 1700 men. He unexpectedly attacked the Mongol army and inflicted heavy damage, but he himself fell in battle, and his detachment was completely destroyed.

After that, the Mongols moved from under the walls of Kolomna to Moscow.

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