Пн. Мар 3rd, 2025
Where the Khazars disappeared: The nationality of Batu Khan

It is believed that the mother of Khan Batu – Uki-khatun or Shukinia – was the great-granddaughter of the last Khazarian khagan Joseph II. Thus, Batu turns out to be a Jew by his mother, according to Morozov – Father (Pope) of Rome, and according to Fomenko even Andrei Bogolyubsky and Alexander Nevsky (at the same time). And this discovery elegantly explains why the Germans hated Jews not like everyone else, but especially. The genetic memory of the Ice Battle.

In general, of course, Batu’s mother came from the same Mongolian Kongrat tribe, which still exists, by the way, as Temujin’s grandmother, Borte–Fujin’s eldest wife. Where the nonsense captured on the screenshot came from is not even interesting. It is interesting in this context that the last Khazarian khagan was not a Jew. He was a Muslim.

Actually, the Khazars are the self–name of one of the Turkic tribes of the Ogur group, who migrated to the Caspian region at the beginning of our era. The turbulent history of the Khazars is best evidenced by the fact that they called themselves «Khazars». Others preferred to call them «Huns». That is, the tribe joined the Hunnic horde at the stage of the passage of the Huns through the Black Sea region. And it clearly proved itself well there. But it quickly split off, did not follow the Huns to Europe, but went to rob the North Caucasus.

Later, the Khazars, already called Huns, joined the Avars. They borrow the title «kagan» from the Avars. But they are not leaving with their allies to the west again. Moreover, for an understandable reason. In the V-VI century, the Khazar Huns moved first to a semi-sedentary, and then to a sedentary lifestyle in Dagestan.

..And this immediately leads to the question of where the Khazars disappeared and who their descendants are. The «natural» Khazars added a Turkic element to the ethnic mix of the eastern part of the North Caucasus. It is also worth noting that the real Khazars have long remained pagans, worshipping Tengri and offering human sacrifices to the sacred oaks. The last mentions of the Dagestani Huns are associated with the adoption of Christianity by their leaders. Thus, the Khazars convert to Islam after the loss of their ethnic identity, as part of other Caucasian peoples.

Accordingly, the «Khazars» mentioned in the Russian chronicles are already other, in a different sense, Khazars. Before settling down, the Khazars-Huns create their «nomadic empire» between the Volga and the Dnieper, subjugating other tribes. Not only Turkic ones. The Khazar horde also includes Magyar tribes (later they will separate and leave, taking some of the morally unstable Turks). The most loyal faction of the Khazars are the Iranian Alans, who later became Ossetians.

Nomadic empires are usually short-lived, but, moving to settlement, the Khazars joined civilization, thanks to the peoples of Transcaucasia, whose territory was continuously plundered. Among other trophies, the Khazars manage to acquire some public administration skills. Which eventually allows them to create a state similar to the Khitan Empire – populated mainly by nomads, but with trading cities, customs posts, a taxation system and agricultural provinces. The settled population is concentrated in Dagestan (until the end of the history of Khazaria, Dagestan remains the most populated and richest region of the country), in the Crimea and on the Black Sea coast… But by the time of the heyday of Khazaria – the seventh century – only the origin of the royal dynasty remains «Khazar» in it.

…That is, «Khazars 2-ed» is a polytonym. In textbooks, you can find references to the «small number of Khazars», but it will be more accurate to talk about their near-zero number. The descendants of the Khazars were only the thinnest stratum of the highest nobility, no longer associating themselves with the Dagestani Huns, who, in turn, have not called themselves «Khazars» for a long time. The state is a conglomerate of tribal unions (including Slavic ones), cities and principalities, each with its own customs and internal self-government. All this is connected together by the regular guard of the Kagan, which is joined by tribal militias during the war. The guard is put up by immigrants from Central Asia, who profess Islam, occupying a privileged position… Thus, the power and stability of the Khazars are based on money that allows them to maintain a regular army.

Money, in turn, is provided by transit trade. Moreover, very quickly the kagans realize that it is a miracle for business how good religious tolerance is. When visiting Khazar cities, travelers note that Christians, Muslims and Jews live in them peacefully, side by side, occupying an equal position. «Peacefully» is up to the point that on Friday the residents of the whole village go to the mosque, on Saturday to the synagogue, and on Sunday to the temple. Khazaria willingly accepts bishops and missionaries from different countries, trying to establish international relations.

…As for Judaism, it was predictably brought by Jews, of whom there are no less predictably many in Khazaria, which is categorically tolerant of religion. The reasons why Kagan and his court decide to convert to Judaism (despite the fact that Judaism itself denies that it can be «accepted» without belonging to the chosen people) is a very interesting question, to which different researchers give different answers. But suffice it to say that before that, the Tengri Kagans had already managed to convert to Islam in order to make peace with the Arabs. And already at the end of the country’s history, after the destruction of Itil by the Russians, they return to Islam again in order to receive help from Central Asia…

That is, the choice was determined by politics in any case. Rather, the kagans sought in this way to reduce the degree of conflict between Christians and Muslims in their state. They showed that they would not accept either side.

It is also curious that archaeology does not reveal signs of a noticeable spread of Christianity, Judaism and Islam on the Volga and Don during the Khazar period. The beliefs of the peoples living in Khazaria remained Tengrian. Monotheistic religions were practiced only in cities inhabited by Greeks, Armenians, Persians and Jews. But at the same time, even in the cities, the motives of steppe paganism remained very strong in the customs of the Khazar court.

…As a political entity, Khazaria collapsed after the destruction of Itil by the Rus, as well as the capture of Sarkel and Tmutarakan. There are no cities, no money, so there is no mercenary army. And there were no «Khazars» anyway.

От Screex

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